Friday, September 25, 2009

Will You Let the New World Order Enslave Your Children?

During the 40 years I've been studying the way the world works, I've mostly avoided speculations about the "New World Order" as somehow not that important. The NWO was not something that I needed to be too worried about. After all, I lived in America, and Americans had a fierce history of freedom, were the dominant world power, and would always be free.

How wrong I was!

Headlines about this week's G-20 meeting are all about "New World Economic Order Takes Shape at G-20." Is this something you and I should be concerned about? You bet! Here's just small sampling of what they have in mind.

The more I read, observe and connect the dots, the more I see that those working to bring about the NWO have dedicated countless $billions over the last 200+ years in a patient plan to rule the world. If you are not already tuned in to this idea, then you had better wake up quick. The NWO means the end of freedom as we remember it in the US. What they have in mind is a new feudalism, with about 1/8 of the current world population.

You may be thinking that concern about the NWO smacks of "conspiracy theories," and any intelligent person know there are no such things. Where did you get this idea? You learned it in the public schools, reinforced by the MSM. If you believe your Masters, you deserve to be a slave!

If you disagree with me, then you owe it to yourself to do the research. While the internet is still relatively uncensored and our speech is still mostly free, you had better do the work. The same forces are at work to greatly limit our ability to share this information. Internet freedom is doomed if the PTB has their way.

I'm going to give you a bottom line that came to me with great clarity while I was awakening recently: The major impediment to implementing a global dictatorship right now is the American people. The NWO conspirators need to eliminate that obstacle, and will do it with war, poverty, pandemic, starvation, inflation and whatever else they need to use.

Despite the massive dumbing down process in the government schools over the last several generations, the mind-numbing TV mass culture, the de-industrialization and destruction of our economy, and all the rest of the debilitating influences afflicting us, we are still armed and cherish our freedom. Most Americans will not go meekly into slavery.

As the conspirators' plans become more clear, the American giant, though weakened, is awakening. We have seen it in the run on guns and ammo since last fall, even before Obama was elected. We've seen it in the massive outpouring of support for Ron Paul's Presidential campaign. We've seen it in the End the Fed Rallies, the Tea Parties and Town Hall meetings. We've seen it in the rise of organizations like Oathkeepers and de-centralized groups like We Are Change and 9-12. We've seen it in the exploding number of blogs like mine and radio shows like Alex Jones. The Giant is awakening.

And that is problematic for the NWO conspirators, the Global Elite as I have referred to them. Though they have patiently worked their plan though the 20th century, their efforts for what they now call "global governance" are rapidly coming to a climax. But they can't do it without destroying America as a world power.

When I refer to America as a "world power" I'm not referring to the American Empire. The American Empire is dying from overreach and bankruptcy. No, America is a world power because of the ideas and ideals of the American Revolution of 1776. The spirit of Liberty, of teeming masses yearning to be free, seeking a better life for oneself and generations to come is the real source of American Power.

It is the power of freedom embodied in the Spirit of America that the Global Elite must destroy. They've tried to use the American Empire to destroy the idea of freedom. But that only goes so far. What they must destroy is the American people, specifically all those who still hold onto the American Ideal. That is their Final Solution.

The Final Solution for America is why those who could best be called American Patriots have been demonized as potential terrorists by the Department of Homeland Security and all its affiliates. American Patriots are the heart of the stumbling block for the NWO. American Patriots love the idea of American liberty and have grown up ready to die to protect and defend it for future generations. American Patriots are the Enemy of the NWO.

The Final Solution appears to be at the heart of the H1N1 scare and the push to vaccinate as much of the population as possible. All vaccines are dangerous, and the various vaccines being developed with their dangerous components, could very easily create the deadly pandemic they are purported to prevent. After all, dead or disabled American Patriots (and those caring for them) are no threat at all to the NWO.

I've reported previously on the dangers of the vaccines, and more is pouring out as resistance groups and websites are springing up everywhere. School children captive to the government schools, young children and pregnant mothers are in the crosshairs. So are health workers, military and law enforcement personnel who will be needed to help deal with the coming civil unrest.

So do the research now if you haven't. Previous articles have provided numerous links to help you get started. Warn your family and friends, though I've found that if you're aware, you've already been labeled a kook by the unthinking, government-trusting masses.

Yep, we American Patriots can't count on the masses on this one. The welfarized and government-bureaucratized folks are already chopping their share of cotton on the NWO plantation. Too many of them are literally fat, dumb and happy.

But there is still a somewhat fertile middle ground out there, where all political campaigns are won or lost.

These are the decent, hard-working, tax-paying folks who just haven't been paying much attention to the larger picture due to any number of reasons associated with making a living and raising families. These are the folks who still love America, but have a hard time grasping that the America they love has become the evil American Empire in service to the NWO. They can't believe that Americans would kill Americans in false flag operations like 9-11 to stampede Americans into supporting invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. They can't believe that politicians would actually support policies that they know will destroy American freedom. They can't believe that our government would actually force deadly vaccines on them and their children in an effort to kill or cripple them.

These are the people that are starting to wake up. We must do all we can to help them do just that. The time is growing short. This autumn promises to be as crazy the autumns of 2001 and 2008 combined.

I fully expect another false flag event of some kind in an effort to snuff out all the patriot movements and activities. All the hints are being dropped by the media daily attempting to demonize American Patriots who they call "right-wingers." We had best be prepared.


One World Scam -- comprehensive web site with current news about the NWO.

The New World Order - An Overview

This is an excellent 5-part series on the Global Elite from Global Research. Grasp this, and you'll not need to read many history books:

1. Global Power and Global Government: Evolution and Revolution of the Central Banking System

2. Origins of the American Empire: Revolution, World Wars and World Order

3. Controlling the Global Economy: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve

4. Forging a "New World Order" under a One World Government

5. Global War and Dying Democracy: The Revolution of the Elites

Finally, two of the best books I've read recently on the subject are G. Edward Griffin's "The Creature from Jekyll Island" and Jim Marrs' "The Rise of the Fourth Reich." See our new FreeOklahoma store.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Pot is Coming to a Boil

The Dog Poet has written an excellent post on why we should expect multiple crises to ramp up exponentially Any Day Now. I couldn't agree more. Highly recommended. The Global Elite is in trouble. More and more people are waking up, and they have to do something to put a stop to it.
For all you people who think electing Obama will solve all your problems, you'll love this new video, "The Government Can." For the rest of us realists, we'll be laughing out loud. BHO's credibility continues to dissolve as shown in the 7 Big Lies in his recent Health Care Speech. More on collapsing government credibility below.
As more news comes in, my sense on the Swine Flu scare right now is that the H1N1 is less virulent than is being publicized. BUT, the scare is being used to push the vaccines, as part financial scam and part eugenics population reduction program to produce vaccine-induced auto-immune disorders and possible create breeding grounds for a more virulent virus mutations.

Judge Napolitano weighs in on mandatory vaccinations in Massachusetts. The Judge is the only bright spot on Fox, and they've relegated him primarily to the internet.

Retired State Trooper Greg Evensen follows up with confirmation of his earlier report that the mandatory vaccination program will include stainless steel bracelets with microchips. Boston already has such a vaccination tracking system.

Dr. Russell Blaylock has a 4-part video on "What To Do If You're Forced to Take the Swine Flu Shot."
As government becomes increasingly impotent to deliver on its promises, and as the public continues to awaken to the coup that has place the USGov under the direct control of the large banks and financial institutions at the expense of their long-range well-being, we'll see more outrage. The Tea Parties and 912 events are just part of the beginning.

Now we see graffiti appearing at Walgreen's warning of Swine Flu vaccine dangers. Protesters are appearing at drive through vaccination stations handing out literature. They report that some people are turning away as a result, saving them and their children from the vaccine side-effects.

It is also becoming apparent that the entire Homeland Security apparatus has been set up primarily to control the American people themselves. The MIAC reports, the DHS Terrrosim Lexicon, FEMA drills involving foreign military to police the US, and increasing armed military presence in civilian policing situations all point to this for anyone who has eyes to see and is not afraid to think the worst.

Feds Probe Census Working Hanging in Kentucky - Rahm Emanuel, the Israeli agent controlling Obama, hates to let a good crisis go to waste. Now he has a reason to label all who protest the unconstitutional parts of the census (most of it) as potential "domestic terrorists." The MSM drumbeat is already starting. See how obvious it is that the biggest threats to civil order are precisely those people who still believe in the US Constitution?

If you're a Constitutionalist, the nice government men are preparing a "Civilian Inmate Labor Program" to rehabilitate you in a FEMA camp. I hope to review the new video, Camp FEMA, for you next week. I hear it is a blockbuster, and should expose Glenn Beck's lies when he feebly tried to debunk their existence last spring.
Although I've seen numerous reports over the years that Osama Bin Laden has been dead since December of 2001, his corpse is brought out like El-Cid on horseback whenever the PTB needs another terrorism booga booga.

The latest bin Laden fake several weeks ago was audio only, as most of them are, and of very poor quality. Isn't it surprising how the average dumbed down American believes that bin Laden masterminded the defeat of the US intelligence agencies and air defense from caves in Afghanistan, but can't afford a $100 video camera to deliver realistic video and audio messages of bin Laden that can easily be verified? Remember: Al Quada (al CIAda) is fake. (See the quote at the upper right hand of the blog.)
War with Iran looks increasingly inevitable. Iran has dumped the US dollar for the Euro to protect the value of its foreign exchange reserves. Saddam signed his death warrant when he did the same thing prior to the US invasion of Iraq. If you think war with Iran will be a good thing, realize that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are helping bankrupt the US, and that both are far from successful. The fallout from war with Iran will likely be radioactive. I hate it when that happens.

Yet our Zionist masters say war with Iran is inevitable unless we impose severe sanctions on Iran. We're hearing all the usual stories about Iranian nukes, atrocities and anything else the MediaWhores can think of to stampede us into war with Iran. We've seen all kinds of "preventative" terrorism ops in the last week to prevent terrorism. So it seems we're likely to get another 9-11 false flag event to conveniently blame on Iran.

Meanwhile, Iranian President Ahmadinehab gave a speech to the UN, much of which could easily be given by any US patriot. But delegates from the US, Canada, Israel and parts of the EU walked out. Nevertheless, he's still a politician in a country where dissent is still suppressed. But that's no reason to go to war with yet another country.
For a good look at how the world really works, check out the interview with whistleblower Sibel Edmonds in "The American Conservative." Though she has been under a gag order for years, much of her story has gotten out. Now that she has spoken out, the MSM is ignoring this detailed story that implicates high level neocons, congressman and the Chicago machine as well as the Israeli and Turkish lobbies.

For another look check out this interview with ex-Congressman James Traficant who just got through serving seven years in prison after being targeted by AIPAC. Israel dominates much of our media, Congress, domestic and foreign policy. How many of you have a knee-jerk reaction that we have to defend Israel at all times and for all reasons? Where did that come from? (Watch all 3 segments.)
The Federal Reserve has admitted to gold swap arrangements that result "in the surreptitious international central bank manipulation of the gold price particularly and the currency markets generally." Seems GATA has been right all along about gold price rigging. Those who have ears to hear will realize that the gold price has been kept artificially low for a long time. You know what that means? Ever try holding a basketball under water for a long time? Maybe it will hit $1500 before year-end. Certainly, if war breaks out with Iran.

Speaking of gold, housing prices have fallen by 2/3 since their 2005 peak -- if priced in gold. Worth thinking about: "Priced in gold, the median house bought 460 ounces of gold in 2001 and 490 ounces at the peak in 2005--a gain of 6%, considerably less than the nominal price in dollars. Had a homeowner eschewed the blandishments of the housing bubble in 2001 and sold his/her home for 460 ounces of gold and rented for eight years, he/she could now buy a home for 160 ounces of gold and have 300 ounces in hand."
You've got to see the pics of Omar Khadafy's female body guards, his "Amazon guard." If two pictures are worth 2,000 words, I can't even begin to think of what they are!
This weekend I'm going to post some great articles on who the Global Elite is and what their plan for the New World Order is. Be sure to check for it.

Grace and Peace and Courage to You!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Continuing Crisis

If you're interested in protecting the value of your savings, consider the "Happy, Short Story on Silver." This dovetails with many reports I've seen that the "poor man's gold" has more upside potential than gold. If you haven't yet bailed out of the US dollar, you might want to consider silver first. The dollar's agonizing death will become increasingly visible. Don't let your savings die with it. We're also seeing the prelude to a significant rise in silver's price with the phenomenon of Backwardization.

Announcing the agonizing death of the dollar, HSBC Bids Farewell to Dollar Supremacy.
Afghanistan is the graveyard of imperialism. It will be no different for the US than it was for the USSR and England. Just as "Vietnamization" failed to build an indigenous army to secure Viet Nam for the Americans, so will it fail in Afghanistan. "Hey, hey, BHO . . ." (Viet Nam reference for you youngsters.) Apparently, Hillary disagrees.
How ironic that Russia Today TV tells us more truth than the US MSM. Richard Celente tells us why revolution is coming to the US.
Interested in flu prevention? Read Despite Anti-Vitamin D Bias, CDC Stumbles on Deficiency Link to H1N1 Deaths.

The French military is getting ready to enforce mandatory swine flu vaccinations on the French. What are you going to do when/if it comes here? And what's with implantable RFID chips to track the H1N1 virus on people?

Swine Flu Deaths Down, Body Bag and FEMA Coffin Orders Up. What's up with this supposed contradiction? Global Research says "The entire construct is politically motivated and corrupt . It serves the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry. It justifies the militarization of public health and violates fundamental civil liberties." Check out this Swine Flu video collage. Just listen to Dr. Nancy Snyderman telling TV viewers "Forget the conspiracy theories. Listen to the government. Take the damn vaccine!"

If you need more info, here's a good list of articles on why to avoid all vaccines. More doctors are refusing the jab because they question its safety and efficacy.

Listening to Dr. Len Horowitz on Alex Jones on 9-22 I heard numerous horror stories about people who were damaged by the vaccines, as well as an employee of a division of Novartis (a major vaccine maker) who said most of his fellow employees will refuse the vaccine! I also heard reports of forced vaccinations on students and workers being fired if they refuse the shot. And military checkpoints are popping up for various events all over the country to start acclimating us to the militarization of police. Will they be taking vaccine-refusers off to FEMA concentration camps next?

Here's more on Dr. Horowitz' affidavit accusing the Rockefeller empire of aiding and abetting the pandemic for financial and eugenics purposes. And Medimmune patented the actual H1N1 virus in 2008? So we're gearing up to fight a virus hatched in a laboratory. Genocide, anyone? Speaking of, is the flu being targeted toward certain minorities to hasten their demise?

More on Mossad microbiologist: "Swine Flu Vaccine is a BioWeapon."
The always insightful Dr. Paul Craig Roberts explains it is so easy to get Americans to swallow lies. "What the sociologists and Hitler are telling us is that by the time facts become clear, people are emotionally wedded to the beliefs planted by the propaganda and find it a wrenching experience to free themselves. It is more comfortable, instead, to denounce the truth-tellers than the liars whom the truth-tellers expose." The Big Lie is effective and has great staying power. If you still believe the official conspiracy theory about 9-11, you need to read this article.

Pepe Escobar, writing in the Asian Times, adds 19 more unanswered questions to the 50 unanswered questions about 9-11 from the week before (also linked in this article).
To the comfort of all those people who think that the internet is full of misinformation, as compared to the always truthful MSM, the internet freedom is about to die from a thousand regulatory cuts. The establishment always finds it easier to control the sheep when they control the flow of information. They don't like people pointing out quickly, and easily to tens of thousands or millions of people that government reporting on the economy is a lie.
I'm still looking for something big to happen this fall. As Chuck Baldwin points out, "most Americans live in a false sense of security." Besides the Swine Flu situation, the economy is still cratering, the dollar is dying, and China is currently buying up natural resources and gold as fast as they can with their soon-to-be-worthless dollars. Israel keeps talking about attacking Iran this fall, which could easily go nuclear and worldwide. Folks we need to pray and prepare. Warn your family and friends.

I may soon start posting more often without notification emails, so you might want to check this site every few days.

Grace and Peace and Courage to You!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Swine Flu: PsyOp, Pandemic or Fraud?

I'm still trying to make sense of the Swine Flu situation. I've written about it several times before (here and here and here). Is it an elaborate PsyOp designed to create reactions for nefarious purposes, including invoking martial law and selective concentration camp detentions? Is it a real threat, a dangerous pandemic? Or is it a fraud to enrich vaccine makers, administrators and others with another scare? Or is it a combination of all three, and maybe more?

The evidence is still out. My money's on All of the Above.

1. A little bit of research shows that the virus was birthed in a laboratory, not nature. And its release is intentional, not accidental. Whatever happens has been staged. That by itself is enough to sound to go on high alert and activate all your precautionary measures. Who would do this and why? If you reject this idea because it sounds "conspiratorial" or you can't believe humans would do this to other humans, you had better grow up -- fast! A large part of written history is man's inhumanity to man.

2. There are countless stories that the vaccine at this time is not only untested, but likely much more dangerous than the Swine Flu itself. Not only is there no proof it is effective against H1N1, but the adjuvents can cause much more harm, especially auto-immune diseases and cancer. There is a danger of live viruses in the vaccines. Baxter Labs, which released vaccines containing live viruses last spring, is active in manufacturing and promoting swine flu vaccines.

Moreover, I've seen indications that these vaccines can recombine into more virulent viruses, making vaccine recipients into combination human petri dishes and "Typhoid Mary-type" carriers to spread the greater disease. So the fall wave of H1N1 may be just the first step in creating a larger, more virulent pandemic.

3. A pandemic crisis can easily be used to justify martial law, mandatory vaccinations and concentration camp confinement for whomever the authorities choose (political opponents?). While mandatory vaccinations are unconstitutional, the military and many employers are now mandating them as a requirement of continued employment.

4. Any in-depth study of the Global Elite and their philosophy, shows that they are adherents of eugenics and advocate the reduction of the planetary population by at least 3/4. What better way than plague? Eugenics = Genocide.

5. Other than hand washing and self-quarantine, you seldom see any natural prevention or cures mentioned by the MSM. Since Big Pharma only peddles drugs, and since drugs are dangerous/ineffective, the MSM has little incentive to bit the financial hand that feeds them by promoting their more cost-effective competition.

6. You can use religious and spiritual objections to opt out of mandatory vaccines.

7. If you plan on self-quarantine (which you should), then make sure you have the supplements, nano-silver, herbs, food, etc. that you will need to survive.

8. The internet is full of stories of body bags, caskets, micro-chipped ID bracelets, mandatory vaccination programs, vaccines that are more dangerous than the virus, training for martial law, etc. The MainStream Media (MSM) are busy with the typical re-assuring stories that if we're lucky, there will be enough vaccine for all of us! Just roll up your sleeve and trust the nice government minion with the syringe.

9. I'm also hearing stories from all over the world that at least half of all doctors, nurses and other health workers will refuse the vaccine. (What do they know, anyway?)

10. What I do know is this: YOU had better do your own research, and don't trust the MSM. If you don't think they're all controlled by the global elite, you're living in La La Land -- and you deserve everything that happens to you and your loved ones because of your misplaced trust and naivete. Rupert Murdoch is heavily involved in this scheme, so don't expect to hear the truth about vaccines from Faux News.

There are many things you should read to help you understand what is going on. High among your list should be Dr. Len Horowitz' recently filed affidavit charging criminal conspiracy in the creation of the current flu pandemic. The affidavit includes an interesting history of the Rockefeller-controlled Big Pharma in the US and the rest of the world. Though it is a long read, you'll find many mind-blowing facts in one coherent narrative.

Other articles you should read:

Ten Swine Flu Lies Told By Mass Media

How to Prevent an H1N1 October Surprise

Half of UK Docs to Refuse Swine Flu Vaccination

Swine Flu: Natural Pandemic or Man-Made Pandemonium

Chinese Herbs Prove Effective in Curing H1N1

A Conspiracy of Silence about Natural Swine Flu Remedies

Vaccinations: Deadly Immunity

Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Care Emergency

Forced Vaccinations, Quarantine Camps, Health Care Interrogations and Mandatory "Decontaminations"

More Damning Science on Squalene and Related [Vaccine] Adjuvents

A Million Times More Squalene in Swine Flu Vaccine Than What Caused Gulf War Syndrome

More Junk in the Vaccines

Ingredients Found in Spermacides, Cleaners and Cosmetics Along with Thimerosol and Squalene

18 Reasons Why You Should Not Vaccinate Your Children Against Flu This Season

It's the Vaccines, Stupid!

Feds Plan Public Relations Campaign to Persuade Americans to Take the Vaccine

Flu Salvation: The Creator's Message for Destroyers and Plan for Survivors

Canada Sends Body Bags for Flu Battle

Deadly Second Wave of Swine Flu on the Way

Grace and Peace and Courage to You!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The 9-11 Lie Continues to Crumble

Eight years after the 9-11 attacks, increasing numbers of Americans disbelieve the official conspiracy theory. Polls show that 35-65% of Americans are skeptics. They don't believe Osama bin Laden engineered a surprise attack using 19 mostly Saudi Arabian, incompetent pilots, to defeat US intelligence agencies and air defense to destroy the Twin Towers at the WTC and crash into the Pentagon. The official conspiracy theory is shot through with holes, contradictions and lies. Even 60% of the 9-11 Commission members have admitted that the Commission's report was a cover-up and deliberately deceptive.

While most of the world is aware the official story is a lie, too many patriotic, gullible Americans still have a hard time believing that elements at high levels of the US government would participate in such a murderous plot. Their biggest problem is psychological. Not only would they have to admit they've been deceived for eight years, but they would have to re-think everything they believe about their government and the mainstream media that supports the lies. I've had friends admit as much when they explain why they won't look into the evidence. Yet they will say they are dedicated to seeking the truth and living it. Incredible.

These same people are likely unaware of FDR's plan to get the US into WWII by setting up Pearl Harbor or Wilson's maneuvering to get us into WWI by setting up the sinking of the Lusitania. Yet just a little research shows both to be true. Using false flag operations to create a desired public reaction is well-used tactic for thousands of years.

George Ure recalls "the coincidental timing of the attacks which came just at the moment when the whole country was on the verge of collapsing into the Second Depression. Following hard on the heels of the massive decline in high tech stocks - the Tech Wreck that wiped anyway from zero to 80% out of some folks’ retirement dreams, the financial shock of 9/11 accomplished a financial ‘miracle’ for the country." Read on for a list of the benefits to Bush resulting from 9-11.

Alex Jones and Charlie Sheen have stirred the pot again this week with their week-long 9-11 awareness campaign starting with Sheen's imaginary interview with (read the whole interview for a great list of unresolved issues), and letter to, Obama, and video asking for a meeting to discuss 20 questions that need to be answered. While controversial, so far this appears to me to have been a brilliant strategy to proactively raise important issues on this anniversary. If you still believe the official story, perhaps this is a good time for you to study the anomalies afresh instead of meekly believing the authorities.

Predictably, Sheen is being personally attacked by the MSM, including O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh and all the rest, including the Left. They deal with none of the 20 questions raised. Instead they attack the messenger. If this doesn't convince you that the MSM is totally controlled and part of the scam, then nothing will. If you still believe them, then you are a trusting sheep ready for the slaughter. You will have no excuse before God on judgment day.

I have a friend who recently switched from accepting the official conspiracy theory to rejecting it. What turned the trick was this excellent video presentation by Richard Gage, head of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth. When the physics of the building construction and collapses are explained, as well as the nature of the jet fuel fires, you'll realize there is absolutely no way that fires could have cause the collapses of WTC 1,2 & 7. Once you accept that, and realize that the evidence is available for all to see, you'll realize how massively you've been lied to by the politicians and media.

To destroy the official conspiracy theory it is not necessary to posit an alternative explanation. That is a different and much more difficult task. That is for professional, independent investigators to undertake. But since inquiring minds want to know, we can look at some possibilities.

The starting place for any criminal investigation is to determine who had the Motive, the Means and the Opportunity to commit the crime.

To cut to the chase, the greatest Motive lay with the leaders of the Bush Administration, the Neo-Conservatives pushing the plan for world dominance outlined in the "Rebuilding America's Defenses" issued by the Project for a New American Century, the Zionists controlling Israel, the Military-Industrial Complex and the banking interests who stood to profit from a new Middle Eastern war and erection of the total security state.

These same suspects also had both the Means and the Opportunity to commit the crime. When you look at the evidence, you'll find the dots connecting to these groups much more than to the officially identified patsies, Osama bin Laden and al CIAda. It didn't take thousands of people to pull it off, only a dedicated cadre committed to a goal.

You might start your research journey with a good look at the "dancing Israelis" arrested on 9-11. Several of these were identified outright as Mossad agents, while the moving company they worked for, was a Mossad front operation! Despite their arrest, they were released 71 days later at the request of the White House.

If Osama bin Laden had commandeered the attacks as part of jihad against the US, then certainly he would have been proud to take credit for it. Yet, the BBC published this denial from bin Laden: "I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks. ... The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States." You mean you didn't see this on the nightly news?

Nor is bin Laden wanted by the FBI specifically for the 9-11 attacks. In fact, whistelblower Sibel Edmonds broke a federal gag order and went public in July that bin Laden, al Quada and the Taliban were all on the CIA payroll right up until 9-11-01. Go figure.

You can find many articles on this blog referencing the holes in the official conspiracy theory. Just check the subject links to the right side of this blog. Also link on the sources I've listed. Finally, you might want to check one researcher's attempt to explain How 9-11 Happened. It is as likely as any explanation given what I've learned about the case over the last eight years.

It is time to stand up for the Truth, folks. Literally the future of our civilization is at stake. If you won't do it for yourself, at least do it for your children and grandchildren.

Choose this day who you will serve, God or Mammon.

Grace and Courage and Peace to You!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Creature, Glenn Beck and the New 9-11

Today I finished reading The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin. I highly recommend you read this incredible history of central banking and how it is the essential means of control for those who desire to enslave all the people of the world in a high-tech feudalism. It has taken me forty years of study to finally come to understand the reality of the nature of this evil cabal.

Creature is not a dry history, but an amazing explanation of how the modern world works and how we got into the mess we're in. If every semi-free thinking American read this, we could stop the destruction of our country. Believe me, destruction of our economy and our liberty is the plan. If you're too "busy" or apathetic to read the book or to cool to become alarmed and get involved, then you are part of the problem. Don't believe me? Read the book and then tell me.

It is clear to me that it is patriotic Americans who honor the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and Christianity, the middle class, who are the greatest obstacle to the imposition of the New World Order on us.

Americans are Serfs Ruled by Oligarchs -- if you naively think that you live with "freedom and democracy," you had better check your premises.
We are under increasingly great danger of the acute crisis I began warning about August 11. For all the reasons listed, the PTB needs a crisis of at least the magnitude of 9-11 to seize even more control and snuff out rising opposition to its policies. Warnings of the release of dirty nukes on selected US population centers have been released countless times in the last eight years. Here's a recent one. The "dog poet" at the Smoking Mirrors blog goes into greater detail that we're on the cusp of the s**t hitting the fan (warning: strong language). See also his "9-11 Fish Head Flu Pandemic."

BTW, here's how the same author writes about how the central bankers foment wars all over the globe, usually supporting all sides: "What actually happens is that a group of bankers have determined that they can make money six different ways by initiating a conflict between two or more nations. They create the lies and tensions that lead to whipping up the publics anger at a manufactured boogeyman then they lend counterfeit money at interest to all parties; they sell them the weapons and supplies needed, they run the black market operations, they steal the resources and they provide the financing and companies that carry out the rebuilding of what they destroyed but there’s a lot more than that. You would be surprised."
Glenn Beck is the latest establishment tool to control and deflect Americans with conservative inclinations. Does that rile you a little bit? Then read on and do your research.

This article lays out the truth about Beck as well as anything I've seen.

Beck was recently employed by Rupert Murdock to become a leader of the controlled opposition. While he will tell the truth about many things, he avoids speaking about critical issues that could lead to a better understanding of the way the world really works. Or when he does speak, he belittles, criticizes or ridicules, swaying an unthinking, uncritical, largely uninformed audience in the process.

Funding, even raising up, controlled opposition is a well-practiced tactic by the Powers That Be to maintain control and inject misinformation into the population. Lenin said: "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it."

For example, William F. Buckley, the acknowledged founder of the modern conservative movement and of National Review, was on the CIA payroll from the beginning. The conservative movement helped drown out the budding libertarian movement spawning from the Austrian economist, Ludwig von Mises. Conservative intellectuals hate libertarians because they actually believe in real economic and social freedom for all and don't believe in special rights or subsidies for any group.

Beck is not a libertarian, but a neo-conservative. Beck has ridiculed Ron Paul, 9-11 truthers, those who question Obama's US birth, 9-11 families, exposers of FEMA concentration camps, just to name those I remember from my reading. Whose purposes does he serve with such deception? That's how effective propaganda works -- expose a fair amount of truth, mixed with disinformation and omission to keep the public in the dark.

The sad truth is that if a person doesn't have the background from independent research, and if they delude themselves with the idea that the mainstream media wouldn't knowingly lie for fear of exposure (no one believes it when they are exposed), this ruse will succeed.
Chemtrails - If you don't tell others, who will? - I'm continually amazed about how many people not only don't recognize that the massive chemtrail spraying of the last 10-12 years is qualitatively different from the contrails we grew up with, but have absolutely ZERO curiosity as to what they are. H.L. Mencken said no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people. Sadly, I'm beginning to think he was right. A friend asked me yesterday how the German people could allow the rise of national socialism. I told him it is for the same reasons it is happening here. If you're curious about chemtrails, you might like this movie, Toxic Skies.
Obama has created 25 new "czars," up to a total of 32 so far. These high-ranking officials are not constitutionally authorized. Why does Congress allow them? Why do we? Here's another good article on Sen. Jay Rockefeller's bill that would allow the President to appoint a cyber czar and impose more draconian controls on the internet. The PTB hates the free flow of information on the internet. Will you fight to protect your freedom to obtain information?
The Cabal (Global Elite, PTB, Illuminati, Mammon, whichever appellation you prefer) has great control, but they can be defeated. But not by arm chair spectators. We need warriors and builders. As in the days of Nehemiah, we need to carry a trowel in one hand as we go about our daily work and rebuild the wall; we also need to carry a sword in the other, to fight our enemies. And we need to fight against the modern Sanballots and Tobiahs, Cynicism and Apathy.

Choose this day who you will serve, God or Mammon.

Grace and Peace and Courage to You!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Watchman Reports

I've had friends advise me that I should put a rest to all this concern about the future and instead spend my time focusing only on the positive and "smelling the roses." Somehow noticing and talking about the evil trends in the world somehow empowers the evil, and I suppose that if I instead go about my business and think about other things, the evil will go away.

I've thought much about this, but I keep coming back to the fact that most people are, in fact, oblivious to much of the evil and going about their daily routine in a kind of blissful ignorance. Yes, they're aware we're in a difficult time, but in their experience, things always seem to muddle through and work out.

What I keep coming back to is that in spite of their smelling the roses, things just get worse. Folks, I'm just trying to do my job. I think that each of us have a God-given calling and destiny, a purpose for which we are created. Mine seems to be that of a watchman on the wall. It comes naturally to me. You may want to pin it on my childhood traumas, etc., and that's okay. I just need to my job and you need to do yours. Both are addressed in Ezekiel 33:6:

"But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood."

Proverbs 14 seems to apply also: "(vs. 8)The wisdom of the sensible is to understand his way, but the foolishness of fools is deceit. . . . (12) There is a way which seems right to man, but its end is the way of death." No doubt we are to trust God in all things, but I see nothing in God's Word about fatalism or that negates the idea of taking personal responsibility for decisions in our sphere of influence, including those of citizenship.


WHO Admits to Releasing Pandemic Virus into Population Via "Mock-Up" Vaccines. The truth is sordid, and Big Pharma stands to gain. The virulence of the H1N1 "swine flu" virus has not been shown, but you are being urged to take the vaccine before it is tested. If you or your family take it, you will be human guinea pigs. The mercury-based preservative thimerosal and adjuvent squalene will likely be part of the toxic cocktail. If you value your health, think twice about taking the jab.

The Massachusetts State Senate has already passed a Pandemic Response Bill that now awaits how passage. It is a prescription for medical martial law. You might find this template from the state of Iowa for “Forced Confinement” in a “Quarantine Facility” interesting. What do you want to bet your state has something similar?

I'm reading "The Creature from Jekyll Island." If you want to clearly understand what money is and is not; if you want to understand what a total scam the Federal Reserve System if and how it allows the bankers and government to rob the people of their paychecks and savings; if you want to understand how central banking is at the root of economic cycles and war; then you must read this book. The Money Magicians are robbing us blind, and most people don't understand this. If we are to have any chance at all to preserve what freedom we have and expand it for our progeny, then we all must work in our spheres of influence to spread the truth about this evil system. If this sounds crazy to you, then realize that you have bought the lie.

In the context of the fraudulent practices of the central bank, you might like this article by Martin Armstrong, former head of Princeton Economics. He asks: “Is gold is headed to $5,000 an ounce?” More rightly put, he is really asking if the value of the US Dollar will fall by another 80% where it will take five times as many dollars to by an ounce of gold? Given the $25 Trillion in obligations assumed by the Bush-Obama administrations that can only be paid by printing more Federal Reserve Notes out of thin air, this may well be a conservative figure. Fed Chairman Bernanke seems determined to take us down the same monetary path as Zimbabwe. Did I mention the more than a Quadrillion $ of derivatives outstanding that threaten to wash away all paper-based investments as if they were sand castles on the beach? Take heed and buy gold, silver and food storage for the coming chaos while you still can.

Is it just a coincidence that China wants to remove all its gold reserves from depositories in New York and London and store them in a newly-built high security vault in Hong Kong? If the many rumors are true about Wall St. financial houses shorting gold without the required collateral, then the potential for a rapid price rise due to short covering is ripe. See this prescient article by Jim Willie, replete with interesting charts for those who want technical confirmation.

Alas, I have friends and family who all have utmost faith in the system and in their conventional investment advisors. Seems I'm the eccentric friend/uncle/brother/son that is crazy enough to believe in evil cabals conspiring to take our wealth and liberty by any and all means necessary. They rely on such trustworthy stalwarts as the Wall Street Journal and Fox News (and friends) to soothe their fears and assure them everything will be all right, especially if we'll let them do our thinking and trust them to tell us when there is really something to be concerned about.

I haven't told them yet about my chance encounter last spring with Paul Gigot, editor of the Wall St. Journal, when he with all seriousness assured me the the Federal Reserve is part of the Federal Government. I was so flabbergasted at such a blatant lie from one in a position to know better, that I asked him if he was a member of the CFR and Bilderberg Group. Yes, he had been to the latest BG meeting (where they're earnestly planning for One World Government), but he was no longer a member of the CFR. Gigot slowly transformed into Jabba the Hut in my imagination, looking for a tender infant for lunch.

A Russian Warns Americans Against a Communist Takeover. Leave it to survivors of the former USSR to warn Americans we are rapidly becoming a Soviet government. Obama even has the audacity to tell us the blatant truth that many of his appointees are czars, and we chuckle oblivious to what that means.

Here's more on exposing the 9-11 attacks as a false flag inside job. I am amazed at how people will go to great lengths to avoid the obvious conclusion that the official conspiracy theory of the Bush administration was a fairy tale. They don't understand the sinkings of the Maine and Lusitania, the truth about Pearl Harbor, and probably not even the Gulf of Tonkin incident. The public schools and mind-numbing TV networks have done their job well. (Here are 200 questions for inquiring minds.)

Interested in “The Illuminati?” Watch this short video (if it is still available – the first one lasted a day). Seems the Illuminati and their minions have one thing in common. If you notice and name on it, you might be called “anti-semitic.” (Just like critics of Obama and his policies are “racists.”)Seems that “political correctness” is a primary tool of censorship and thought control. Who wudda thunk it!

The PTB hate the internet. Now the common folk have access to real news, not the pablum served by the Mainstream Media. Elites have always maintained their power by the control of information, and don't like what an uncensored internet is doing to their control of perceived reality. Senator Jay Rockefeller (bankster alert!) has often expressed his dismay about the evils of the internet. Now Rockefeller has introduced a revised version of his bill to give the government a “kill switch” for the internet whenever they declare a national emergency. In emergencies is when we need the self-organizing features for the dissemination of information allowed by the internet. Rockefeller also thinks that cyber security specialists need to be certified by the government, despite the fact that there is a growing private industry already providing such services.