Friday, August 20, 2010

Bombshell: Barack Obama Conclusively Outed as CIA Creation

Ex-CIA Presidential-briefer Wayne Madsen has done what the MainStreamMedia should have done no later than the 2008 Presidential primaries. He has done the research to vet Barry Soetoro, aka Barack H. Obama. This report lays it all out. I had heard many of these things before, but now Madsen has organized the information with the skill of an experienced geopolitical researcher. (Madsen's expose about Obama and Rahm Emmanuel being lifetime members of a ritzy Chicago gay bath house was just a warm-up for the main event.)

In short, Soetoro is a CIA creation, a Manchurian Candidate in full service to the Globalist Ruling Class. He has betrayed his liberal constituency in favor of the Ruling Class. Liberals have been every bit as duped by Soetoro as Conservatives were by George Bush II. As I predicted in November of 2008 after his election, Obama has become Bush on steroids. The change he promised was more of the awful things Bush did -- expanded imperial wars, record deficits, expanded surveillance state, dictatorial Presidency, trashing the Constitution, providing military cover for Israel, etc.

Moreover, most everything Soetoro-Obama is doing is NOT designed to try to help America recover economically and restore us to health. In accordance with his Marxist ideological background (along with his CIA roots), he is doing his dead level best to DESTROY America irreparably. This is the Cloward-Piven Strategy. He is in the employ of those who would bring us a New World Order.This cannot help his cratering Presidency. The only things that can save him is war and/or drawing Sarah Palin as his opponent in 2012.

I hope none of this sounds at all outlandish to you. If it does, you are consuming too much MSM. You're stuck in the Matrix. Do the research. Far too many Americans are in complete denial about what deep s**t we're in. There is no easy way out, nor easy way through this. We are on the way to social and economic breakdown.

The US Government is bankrupt. Adding unfunded liabilities for things like Social Security, Medicare, and pensions, total debt is over $100 Trillion! That is an unfathomable number. There is NO WAY that money will ever be repaid, nor be there with any kind of value when the obligations need to be paid. The dollar fiat currency will be inflated away as was the German Mark after WWI and Zimbabwe's currency now. It now takes almost $1300 USD to buy the same ounce of real money -- gold -- that $300 bought just ten years ago. The dollar is worth 4% of what it was with the founding of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1914. I still predict the death of the dollar by 2014.  An inflationary depression followed by a purging is inevitable.

All the western welfare state economies are chained together in a fiat money orgy tied to the soon-to-be-defunct US dollar. The dollar is ripe for a drastic devaluation that will drive up the cost of all those imported goods from China, just at the time when real unemployment is nearing 25%. (Oh, did the MSM Pravda tell you otherwise?) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard says that "Time is Running Out for the West," as the debt crisis is spiraling out of control faster than anyone thought. Need more evidence? Read 40 Horrifying Statistics About the Collapse of the US Economy.

(Incidentally, if you're finally getting around to doing something to protect your remaining assets with precious metals like gold and silver, stay away from your broker's recommendation to buy ETFs. They are a derivative financial asset, not the real thing -- a "golden shell game." They are not redeemable for metals, and when you want the metals, you'll have to sell the paper and see if you can get the metals. If you plan to park your money in cash, remember that gold and silver in your possession is the only real cash that is not someone else's debt.

And the states are little better off, and only getting worse. I'm sure you've all seen the stories.

So things are coming to a head this fall. Whether the Ruling Class follows through on taking us to war with Iran is still an open question. If they do, we will surely suffer horrible unintended consequences. They'll probably use some kind of false flag operation on US soil to shock and awe the brain-dead majority into following Der Furhrer into another great war against the "evil Islamofascists." It worked so well with Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, why not Iran? If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Americans even now seem ready to throw away their blood and treasure for the new Boogie Man.

A false flag terrorist event will lead to military control over the country. That's what happens in wartime, remember? Especially if we're attacked again at home. Military control means martial law, the end of the free internet, round up of "suspected or potential domestic terrorists," siezure of the economy, etc.

If we somehow dodge this bullet, we still face breakdown at home. Paul Craig Roberts has created quite a stir with his recent articles: The Ecstasy of Empire (why the American Empire will end) and The Year America Dissolved (2017 - into distopian clan warfare). Chuck Baldwin warns America Faces Social Breakdown. Everything the Communists said we needed to do to collapse, so they could "bury us," has happened. We are rapidily becoming Soviet Amerika. The only thing not fulfilled is taking away our guns. And don't think they don't have plans for that.

Meanwhile, Obama and his cohorts (who will be quick to tell you how much compassion they have for the downtrodden little people), are living high on the hog in ways that would even make George Bush blush! Instead of setting an example of frugality and sacrifice to match that of their economically suffering countrymen, they are instead living like kings. Indeed, Michelle's recent trip on Air Force Two with 40 of her closest friends to cavort on the Spanish coast got her dubbed "Material Girl" by the NY Daily News.

I can't help but think that forcing the people into some kind of wide-spread civil unrest and even armed revolt is part of what they have planned for us. I certainly hope not.

My preference is more along the lines of that old slogan during the Viet Nam War: "What if they gave a war and no one came?" My hope would be that people will wake up to the reality of what the Ruling Class is up to, and what they're doing to us, and engage in massive non-compliance. Stop playing the game. Stop paying taxes, even stop voting. Stop being willing victims.

What do you think?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Ruling Class is Our Enemy

Thanks to Lew Rockwell for today's title, which he aptly gave to Dr. Gary North's analysis of the main article which was the subject of my last post on libertarian class analysis, Angelo Codevilla's "America's Ruling Class – And the Perils of Revolution." If you haven't read it yet, stop now and at least print it out for savoring later. It is a seminal essay for those who want to restore Liberty to America.

North regards Codevilla "as America's smartest conservative political analyst." North's own essay, "Codevilla's Not-Quite Manifesto," says that it is "the finest statement on the two-fold division in American political life written in my lifetime – more than this, in the last hundred years. He has laid it out clearly, accurately, and eloquently." North says that the major weakness of Codevilla's work is that it is short on answering the crucial question asked by Lenin a hundred years ago: "What is to be done?"

Nevertheless, both of these essays are must reads. If you don't have time to read, you don't have time to lead, folks.  

I found out that Rush Limbaugh was so taken by Codevilla's work that he cleared a whole hour for it last week! So Rush has planted numerous seeds for us to nurture and harvest. Maybe Rush is having second thoughts about being one of the Elites?

Long-time friend and libertarian blogger Charles Burris adds important dimensions to the the discussion of "the most important [essay] I have ever read" in "Codevilla, North and the Ruling Class."  Burris says "Angelo M. Codevilla is our generation’s Tom Paine.  He has authored a 'Common Sense' analysis and call to action against a hubristic ruling class that debases our currency and our culture."

This is why you need to read it folks. And apply the terminology as often as you can, especially the terms "ruling class," "political class," "Elites," and all such variants. What you choose to call the "country class" can be flexible with your audience.

Paul Craig Roberts gives us a nice glimpse into the Ruling Elites with "Let Them Eat Wedding Cake." In a reference to Marie Antoinette's famous comment about the suffering of the French people on the eve of the Revolution, Roberts contrasts the $5 million Elite-Class Chelsea Clinton wedding to a Goldman Sachs son with the millions of jobless and hungry Americans. He impertinently asks how "a poor boy who became governor of Arkansas and president of the United States got such a fortune that he can blow $3,000,000 on a wedding." (The taxpayers picked up the other $2 million tab for security so the Elites could party safely away from the Commoners.)

By the way, if you're at all interested in the real levers of power, the hidden dynamics that run the world, I suggest you start with Charles Burris' excellent essay "Hidden History: Where Organized Crime and Government Meet." Charles is a long-time student of the criminal, conspiratorial aspects of history. I know from experience that the more you find out about the way things work, the more you realize that government at the highest levels is a multitude of criminal conspiracies.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Ruling Class vs. the Working Class

The Liberty Movement faces numerous obstacles in restoring the freedom envisioned by our Founders. Piercing the fog of propaganda, disinformation and lack of understanding of basic principles is not easy. The masses are easily manipulated by the Mainstream Media using well-tested buzzwords. The unfocused anger of much of the Tea Party movement is a case in point.

So we have to figure out how to get through to people. How can we create an opening to communicate our message quickly and effectively? How do we get agreement up front so that we have permission emotionally and intellectually to persuade them to the side of Liberty, and all that entails?

A big part of the answer is to re-define political reality, to change the paradigm and terms of discussion. Whoever defines the terms of the debate controls the debate.
Increasing numbers of people are realizing that the left-right paradigm is a trap, designed more to obfuscate and confuse, rather than explain political reality. The Elites have skillfully supported this illusion making the contradictory liberal and conservative positions into seeming polar opposites while hiding their own existence and role in public affairs. Yet year after year, decade after decade, the trend is toward ever larger, more expensive, more intrusive government, regardless of which party is in power. Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama is a continuous trend in the wrong direction. They're all puppet Presidents working for the same Elites.

I've lately become convinced we can easily change the way we talk so we can change the paradigm.

Surprisingly, we need to start using the terms of class analysis. Just as it worked for Karl Marx, it can work for true American patriots! We just need to use terms that apply to our situation.

We need to start speaking in terms of the Elite vs. the People or Power vs. Liberty. For the elite, we can use the terms elite, ruling class, political class, rulers, parasites, etc. For the people, we can use terms like Workers, working people, country class, etc.

I tried it out recently while checking out at an ice cream store. I commented on a closed credit card swiping machine. The clerk, in his 40s, said it was also used for food stamp cards. I guess the 40 million people (grasp that number) who get food stamps, actually get what looks like a credit card. I asked how much they get, and he said $500 a month! Grasp that!. Then he said, "It makes me wonder about the 2 jobs I hold and the 65 hours a week I work." I said, it makes you wonder who the Elites are and why the Workers put up with it. He said, "Sure does." Straight, simple communication. My wife and I had a discussion about the word "entitlements" as in "entitlement programs" on the way home. ("Entitlements?" Who is entitled and why? And who pays?)

Folks, the Elites are parasites, who think they're better than us stupid rubes who believe in the Constitutional foundations of this country. Whether they are at the top of the CorpGov food chain as politicians or CEOs, or their minions administering the various bureaucracies, or the "entitlement" recipients, they're all parasites.

The Workers are the tax-slaves supporting the whole system. I'm starting to see these themes appearing in all kinds of publications. We need to help clarify the situation for the Workers. Once increasing numbers of Workers begin to think about who the Elites are, and how they control the Workers, the sea change will happen. Then we can start offering solutions.

Below are some clear articles that will help you make the change yourself. Digest them and start using these terms as you go about your business. Be ready for some amazing results. According to these articles, over two-thirds of the country is still not part of the Elite Class. There are more of Us than there are of Them. So what's wrong with this picture? As Karl Marx said so effectively 160 years ago: "Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains!"

And if you haven't read Atlas Shrugged ever, or even lately, get a copy. Ayn Rand draws clear distinctions between the men and women who work, invent, create businesses and earn an honest living and the Looters and Moochers who practice the "politics of pull."