One of the hallmarks of fascism is state control over nominally private businesses. We've had a mixed economy for my lifetime, a sort of fascism-lite. A mixed economy is a Keynesian economy, and ours is in crisis along with others around the globe. The chickens are coming home to roost. When asked about the long-range consequences of the short-term "fixes" of his policies, John Maynard Keynes replied, "In the long run, we're all dead." (Keynes, incidentally, maintained his theory was best implemented in a fascist state.)
Well, Keynes is long dead, but we're not. But Freedom is now dead in America. All that's left is the full-blown establishment of martial law, rounding up the opposition (according to the MIAC report, people who believe in the original vision of American constitutionally-limited government "We're All Terrorists Now" ), disarming the population, and the myriad of other police-state actions put in play by the Presidents going back at least to Carter.
Obama's firing of the head of General Motors forever changes the nature of American business. As James Sinclair says, "From now on rather than public corporate management looking to stockholders, their vision will be towards Washington from whom they will take their clues to act. . . . Finance, having taken over government, now has taken over public industry."
Indeed, a recent article in The Atlantic details "The Quiet Coup" that has taken place in the US. "The crash has laid bare many unpleasant truths about the United States. One of the most alarming, says a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, is that the finance industry has effectively captured our government—a state of affairs that more typically describes emerging markets, and is at the center of many emerging-market crises. If the IMF’s staff could speak freely about the U.S., it would tell us what it tells all countries in this situation: recovery will fail unless we break the financial oligarchy that is blocking essential reform. And if we are to prevent a true depression, we’re running out of time." [Many astute financial commentators and trends forecasters say the US will become a Third World Nation if we don't reverse course.]
Read about Timothy Geithner's "dirty little secret" that puts the global financial system at risk to benefit the financial hierarchy. Apparently Obama believes "no banker should be left behind." Peter Schiff says that last week we were "peering into the abyss." How many near misses can we have? When will the dollar die?
Obama's first 100 days in office end around April 30. As I predicted, they are, indeed, days of "shock and awe." Obama's promise of "change" is materializing as a major transformation of the governmental and economic structure of the US. The People did not vote to do this. Obama and his coalition are moving as fast as they can to implement their vision of a fascist America. They're building on the foundation laid by the Cheney-Bush administration and their predecessors. (Some may call it "Marxism." View the list. Whatever you call it, it is the opposite of freedom.) Even Democrat Senator and Constitutional scholar Robert Byrd accuses Obama of making an unconstitutional power grab.
Remember: Government never willingly gives up any power it is given. Ever. Realize that in seven years the Bush administration set up dictatorial powers in the US similar to those in Nazi Germany. "The purpose of the U.S. Constitution was to place constraints on the exercise of power. Yet, it’s now clear that for the past 7 years Bush wielded the power to ignore all constitutional restraints on his power as part of his 'war on terrorism.' Since the president wielded omnipotent power over the American people, albeit secretly, how is that different from the omnipotent power that Hitler wielded over the German people? . . . The point is that both the German people and the American people were living under some form of dictatorship — a type of political system in which there are no constraints on the power of the ruler. Remember: dictatorship entails the existence of omnipotent power, even if such power isn’t always being exercised to its full extent."
Obama has not dismantled one significant part of Bush's dictatorial apparatus.
Puppet Obama is doing all this under "liberal cover," just as Puppet Bush did all his dirty work under "conservative cover." Conservatives supported, rationalized and justified Bush actions and policies they would have fought tooth and nail if proposed by a Democrat President. Now, Liberals are doing the same thing for Obama. The anti-war Left is a mere shadow of itself during the Bush regime. Some say the Left has become a willing part of the Obama War Machine. Perhaps the theory of "cognitive dissonance" is the best explanation for this phenomenon. The phony, contradictory left-right paradigm inculcated from birth adds to the problem. (Take this simple survey to see where you stand along the liberty-power spectrum.)
So the question of the day is: Will enough Liberals wake up soon enough to sound the alarm and stop the Obama power grab?
Sadly, I don't think they will. Many Liberals I know are as intellectually lazy and peer group-dependent as many Conservatives I know. Moreover, central to their outlook is a view of Government as an agent of salvation to make society better. Many liberals are part of the system, dependent on government or NGOs for their jobs and pensions. And they bought into Obama with wild abandon. So they are not likely to admit their mistake this early in the game. If you consider yourself a "liberal," I hope you are an exception to the rule.
On the positive side, more and more people are waking up. The State Sovereignty movement is stirring in 30 or more state legislatures. Conservatives are finally snapping out of their stupor, at least at the grassroots level. My experience is that most state GOP leadership is still plugged deeply into the power structure and is actively working to limit the influence of the new people brought in by the Constitutional idealism of Ron Paul. When they say they're for limited government and support the Constitution, I think most of them believe it, even though their actions say otherwise.
Alex Jones reportedly has become the most popular radio show on the Internet. His latest film, The Obama Deception, has gone viral on YouTube and Google. This courageous man is at the tip of the spear of the awakening. Listen to his daily broadcast, continuous re-broadcast, or podcast at Infowars.com.
Some of the better-read, more independent-thinking liberals and progressives are waking up. They see the Obama lies.
- They see the expansion of the war in Afghanistan, the continuing occupation of Iraq, the saber-rattling against Iran, the unflinching support for Israel. Under Obama, the Neocon war agenda proceeds unabated. They see Obama's new defense budget is larger than Bush's.
- They see that Obama is totally in the pocket of Wall Street and the Global Elite.
- They see the preparations for martial law (or here), military operations in the US, the transformation of old military bases into FEMA concentration camps (and here).
- They see the multiple bills for compulsory "national service." Conscription is slavery. Barack Lincoln must not care for the 13th Amendment.
- They see Obama setting up a "voluntary" Civilian Expeditionary Workforce to be deployed by the military.
- They see Obama's attacks on the middle class.
- They know what it means as Obama continues to implement the total surveillance data bases in "fusion centers" in each state (and here).
- They see that Obama, instead of reining in the NSA to curb its abuses, is reorganizing the NSC and expanding its power.
- They see that Obama shares Cheney's views on illegal wiretapping.
- They see Obama allies pushing bills to outlaw organic farming and backyard gardens.
- They see the myriad bills to regulate, restrict and ban guns and ammunition.
- They see much more, and are not afraid to connect the dots.
The MIAC report mentioned above shows a governmental bias against all principled supporters of the original intent of the Constitution, calling them potential "terrorists" who are a danger to law enforcement. Even though that report was officially retracted, it is indicative of the mindset of Homeland Security. This analysis goes in-depth.
You may wonder: What does this have to do with me? What does Obama's firing of the CEO of GM mean to me? The answer is: Everything. The unconstitutional loss of freedom for one person or group is a loss for us all. If we won't draw the line to protect those we may not like, then we will likewise be unprotected.
I leave you today with this well-known piece attributed to Martin Niemoller:
"When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.
When they came for me,
There was no one left to speak out for me."
Will you speak out? Will you bravely act like The Tank Man? Will you prepare? Or will you be a collaborator and remain silent? Will you go like a sheep into your pen? And what will you tell your grandchildren?
Grace and peace and courage to you!